Phase Seven Page 9

Rex is having a go!

2 thoughts on “Phase Seven Page 9

  1. And I have so many thoughts about this one… Where do you start? At first, the big guy was coming across both as a nice enough person and probably thinking it’d be nice to meet this cute girl… But then that last panel… He turns into a total jerk! (not that we haven’t all seen that more than once) But would it have been so hard for him, once she says she’s doing it herself, to be supportive as opposed to dismissive? This makes us all want ‘secret kung fu super punch’ to get pulled out and break the machine… Yes, fantasies happen! Then again, I’m rooting for this to continue as a nice date and honestly be the beginning of something sweet for our two chicas (that’s not too much to ask is it?).

    1. Miracles will still happen, it’ll all end well 😄

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