Phase Seven Page 7

Seb, my hero, the idiot.

Also nothing beats bonding over an arcade game XD

3 thoughts on “Phase Seven Page 7

  1. YEA! The ‘date’ has turned into fun, a good time out is always great! This makes up (at least a little) for the very weird stop in the ladies at the pub. (now, who has never used a ‘joystick’ before? I mean, really? No gaming whatsoever?) Now… Could this be the start of something more? Hmmm?

    1. I think unless you played strictly a controller with no waggle sticks, then Rex had a sheltered life haha.

  2. Guys this is PandaBait here.
    I cannot log into my website today due to problems hence unable to upload my newest page, I shall try and fix this asap!

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