Phase Seven Page 2

Rex is often seen as the most useless assassin in the group for many reasons. 

Being constantly confused is one of them!

2 thoughts on “Phase Seven Page 2

  1. Okay, laughing at the image of someone sitting quite innocently on the toilet when, without any warning, a roll of TP comes hurtling over the stall and lands… hopefully not anywhere… Nasty. I mean, normally you at least let the other girl know you’ve heard her, before you respond like that, don’t you? I do. But then again, now it’s gone from silence and hiding in a stall to run for it! LOL! And to think, it was supposed to be a nice calm drink with a cute girl, a little chat… But no, she’s turned into some sort of lunatic after what, less than one drink? LOL!

    1. I think there is a delayed reaction from the incoming toilet roll, this date has certainly escalated!

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