Phase Four Page 9

Sword -check

Smashed up phone -check

Beaten up pride -check

10 thoughts on “Phase Four Page 9

  1. for other readers, if that looks like ‘AEIE’ to you, it’s in fact ‘A&E’ as in ‘Accident and Emergency’ – Hospital A&E departments are for people who require an unscheduled hospital admission.

    1. *blush* didn’t seem like it had updated. sorry.

      1. Nothing to be sorry about at all! Thank you for taking the time to comment 😁

      2. I appreciate the comment to. Was wondering how AEIE translated to “Emergency Casualty Service” 😛

        1. Yeah I will change the font for the ‘&’ in future. When I first looked at it I was wondering if it alkyls work XD

    2. Thanks!
      Yeah the font I chose makes the ‘&’ a bit funny looking. Maybe I need to choose another one next time. 😄

  2. Poor Rex! Her head has to be to pounding. Also I would like to hear the explanation they come up with to explain how she got whacked with a bat. The people at the A&E are going to be wigged out.

    1. Rex wouldn’t go unless it’s life threatening I’m sure. She’s too stubborn to see a doctor 😆

  3. *A pair of bastards*… in the friendliest way possible under these circumstances XD

    1. Haha bastard friends till the end. For now!

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