Phase Five Page 39 Kellsey and Alex

Canon just returning home to the chaos. XD

6 thoughts on “Phase Five Page 39 Kellsey and Alex

  1. 😅 Canon is like why me? That look like it really hurt 😬

    1. He wants to enjoy his bubble tea elsewhere haha!

  2. Caught your banner through comicad on another webcomic (Isle of Prentil, if any of that info helps out). Clicked through and I’m here. I still need to dive the archives, but wanted to mention I really like the art I’ve seen so far. Not gonna lie and say there’s no room for improvement, but you’re at a solid place to grow forward from, and it’s far more than “just adequate” to be telling this story. I know how important feedback is in this community so, even if I decide to bugger off, I’ll try to drop something constructive in the comments along the way.

    1. Always thankful for comments and constructive criticism so I appreciate it! I’m always trying to improve and trying out different things as I’ve always self taught my drawing and influenced from anime/manga from the 90s. Thanks again for checking my stuff out and will go upwards and onwards 😊

  3. Need to work on your “hightailing it out of there” my dear! 😐

    1. Poor Alex is never good at making a swift exit 😆

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