Hey guys! A day late but been busy doing various Crimbo things.
I hope you all have a safe winter celebration! And that new year is better for all of you, I am putting more work into my comic in the new year plus my Patreon. I didn’t want to set it up yet as content is slim and the comic will need more groundwork before so. I want stuff to SHOW and not just all talk and “coming soon” blah blah blah. I want you to donate because you actually enjoy my work, not because I have an ego that needs feeding and I can promise you all the tat in the world.
This comic is about my stories in my mind and I want to share them with you. I am not doing it for recognition or money, I have a happy contented family and I am doing this as a side hobby. I just hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Anyway take care all and remember to be nice to others.. we need it in this world right now xx PB

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