Update on my life schedule.

As some of you via Twitter, my work life has consumed me which I expected due to lack of staff and increased amount of passengers. I just about have time to do my comic pages right now so the NSFW art has paused for a month which is unfortunate. I am planning to head to the USA for two weeks holiday with my wife at the end of June, and hoping to have much more time for art and pages! But right now I am doing overtime and physcially exhausted (I don’t get home till 12am some nights)

Thanks everyone for your patience! love you and be safe x

A short hiatus and Shift Persona is on Tapas!

Hey everyone! There will be a one week hiatus starting next Monday as my job is leaving me quite exhausted doing over 50 hours a week due to a lack of staff. I will leave up a hiatus page to remind people but it’ll be a sketch of some sort! I be working on the next NSFW image in that week as well as some other bits I wanted to do (working on some animation testing but who knows how that’ll turn out)

Shift Persona is also out on Tapas.io but its about a Phase and half behind, it’ll be updated once a week after Phase Four with two pages. Please subscribe if you can as I would like to hit the 250 mark!

Thanks so much and hope you enjoy the new Kell and Alex chapter!

Patreon coming to an end.

Will be taken down from March 30th, all subscribers will be given a password to access the NSFW art section. Any donations from Ko-Fi or Paypal will also grant access to anyone new to the site. Tapas will also be available also as a donation option starting next week.

Thanks everyone for all your support and to keep what I enjoy going in the long term! There will he plans for merch in the future so keep your eyes peeled!

Coloured comic pages up next week!

Will be closing Patreon in a month, anyone who wants to donate to see uncensored NSFW arts via Paypal or my Ko-Fi account. You shall be given a password to a page here on this website to access them which is set up later this week.

I didn’t like the idea of a subscription service as I have more than enough on my plate with work which is going to get even more busier at the end of this month. I want to keep this comic free as much as possible, I want to give you full colour and two updates a week. This much I want to give to people and if you do want to donate, I would love to reward you!

Thank you all for your support. With the current Patreons I will give them all passwords to the site before the end of March.

Love you all!

Patreon Update and March NSFW

Hey guys! I had a long think about the future of Patreon and I have decided that perhaps in a month or so, it maybe deactivated in favour of another system such as a password protected part of this website for ‘NSFW’ art. Any person who donates or tips will be granted access to it.

At the moment Ko-Fi if down for now for some changes but hopefully be back up soon. Ko-Fi will be showing early access to pages

I will also transfer the colour pages here on this website around the same time so you will be able to read most of Shift Persona in full colour!

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart and hope you continue to enjoy what I create! Much love!

Fantasy Image of Rex and Sammie… or is it?

Quick post about Feb!

As the Chinese New Year approaches, I got the patreon pinup planned and some other bits of artwork coming in this month. I am also off work for a couple of weeks so I be able to catch up on a lot of things hopefully! I normally update the twitter feed on other things so keep an eye out on there if you happen to use that platform.

But thanks for a great start to the year guys! Will do my best to bring you more and more stuff when I can!