I will be updating this as time goes by, characters bios and stories will be added as the story progresses.
Story is set in the present day, in a small fictional town called Pepper in the UK.
We have a four different women with their own sets of interesting personalities. As the story goes on in sometimes, ‘one page stories’ or ‘chapter stories’. we get to learn more about how one of them just wants to be like the rest of them and live a ‘normal’ life. Whatever that bloody means….
Meet Sam Caron.
A 27 year old motorcycle mechanic who came from France when she was 13 years old with her father. They never had a good relationship and eventually parted ways with him when she was 18.
Always having quite a peppy attitude towards life but sometimes hiding the real hurt when no one is looking.
Loves to cook, ride bikes both motor and cycling, and dancing.

Meet Rex
Or her real name being Alex, is a 29 year old woman who just wants a peaceful life.
Having moving from place to place with her loyal dog Bread, she yearns just to be left alone with her nose in a book and joint in her hand.
Often gives off a melancholy sort of mood but can be also be quite a chirpy girl depending on the situation.
Her hobbies is mostly reading, listening to music and carving things with wood.

Kursten Dunn
A serious woman of 35 years who runs a tailor shop in town.
Not much is known about Kurt other than she used to work with her father in a much more shadier business back in the day.
However, nowadays Kurt just keeps herself busy with the shop and finding different ways to try find herself a partner, both work and life wise as she won’t admit it, she is quite a lonely person.

Bernice Taylor
Party goer, clubber and a player.
Bernie as most would call her loves a fun life, being 32 and still full of energy, has no intention of settling down but loves to add to her total of women she has slept with. She loves a good chase, especially the more ‘difficult’ ones such as Kurt.
In her spare time she loves to stay fit, watching movies and shopping.


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