My real name is May Li, some of you may already know that, some of you don’t. I am not one for great introductions but I can tell you that I am living my best life. I have my beautiful wife to thank for that and as well as my family, no matter what twists, turns and shit that were thrown at me, I come out smiling and grateful.
I am a foodie, a gamer, a nature lover but an artist to the core. I used to do logo work for the cannabis community, Instagram is where you be able to find my work on that if you’re interested, and yes, we love a bit of the devil’s lettuce. I am not currently not available for public commissions, I am busy getting this comic done as well as my full time job, don’t be afraid to contact me for any questions though.
It’s nice meeting you, I hope you enjoy your stay here whatever the reason may be. One question that a lot of people ask if that, ‘will I ever finish Otenba Files’ I cannot make that promise but one day I aim to reach that goal.

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