One thought on “Phase Eight Page 4

  1. I would think she’s already made up her mind… She’s going to do what she’s going to do… Even if some of us would argue she’s with the wrong girl. She said it herself, she always hurts someone with her impulses, well, perhaps this time, the one she’s really hurting, or trying to hurt, is herself? Some people just have difficulty admitting that they may have met the person that could… Uh… even out their life? Time will tell though, hmm?

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Phase Eight Page 4

Sorry for taking so long! Been playing some Silent hill 2 remake 🤣 I hope some of this smut might make up for it. 

Happy Christmas and a Happier new year!

Hey guys! A day late but been busy doing various Crimbo things.

I hope you all have a safe winter celebration! And that new year is better for all of you, I am putting more work into my comic in the new year plus my Patreon. I didn’t want to set it up yet as content is slim and the comic will need more groundwork before so. I want stuff to SHOW and not just all talk and “coming soon” blah blah blah. I want you to donate because you actually enjoy my work, not because I have an ego that needs feeding and I can promise you all the tat in the world.

This comic is about my stories in my mind and I want to share them with you. I am not doing it for recognition or money, I have a happy contented family and I am doing this as a side hobby. I just hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Anyway take care all and remember to be nice to others.. we need it in this world right now xx PB

Spooky Season is here!

Happy October! Because of the pandemic, it’s going to be a low key Halloween but we will try and keep spirits high (Literally) I have been asked to do a Otenba Files Halloween art. I may do one clean version and one smut version just for Patreon. Patreon will probably be up at the end of October as I have a lot to prepare and to set up. I also got a few more commissions to finish.

In the meantime, stay safe and stay healthy!

Welcome to the new website!

Took a while but got there in the end! I had to place each chapter with their full pages and there might be a few bugs here and there, but I did the best I could unless I can get an expert to tinker with it in future.

Otenba Files sadly failed to finish its series (4 pages into issue 28) but I will make a promise to finish it one day. Just that I got a lot going on but I promise also not to stress over it either.

The comic itself might be offensive in terms of the gay community, it’s never intended to offend as it’s just a story that was created over 15 years ago and people have different views and opinions but this is an adult comic so please don’t forget that. So if you don’t like it and are offended. Oh well XD This is 2020 after all.