3 thoughts on “Phase Eight Page 4

  1. I would think she’s already made up her mind… She’s going to do what she’s going to do… Even if some of us would argue she’s with the wrong girl. She said it herself, she always hurts someone with her impulses, well, perhaps this time, the one she’s really hurting, or trying to hurt, is herself? Some people just have difficulty admitting that they may have met the person that could… Uh… even out their life? Time will tell though, hmm?

    1. Rex knows better but her head is a bit of a mess sometimes. What makes her a shit assassin 🤣 distractions and ADHD tendencies.

  2. Update will be coming this Friday as been playing Silent Hill 2 if I’m honest.

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Phase Eight Page 4

Sorry for taking so long! Been playing some Silent hill 2 remake 🤣 I hope some of this smut might make up for it. 

Happy early 420!

If you celebrate it that is!

I am in the midst of trying to get this site in order. Otenba Files will be back up but hosted on its own separate part of a different site. I just don’t have the brain power to think outside the box right now, so please don’t despair! I’m surprised people still wants to read it to be honest, its so old!

Some random character sketches. Looking to introduce Kinzi and Hux much later down the line. One is trans and the other is bi just to mix up more diversity. I am not the best in representation of either these sides of the spectrum (hell I’m shit at lesbianism as it is ahaaa) so please don’t get too deep into it because I am not here to portray stereotypes to offend anyone. Don’t mind people having an opinion, but there is a difference of having an opinion and being a cunt twat.

Have a lovely day you all. I’m getting ready for the Ganja express!

Month of April Updates

Heya all! Just throwing this out quickly but hoping you are all having a good one.

You might have noticed that the Image of the month is censored! The reason why is that I am planning to pop only the uncensored image in Patreon (that will hopefully be out next month or end of this month) My comic will be free no matter what, but certain aspects such as the smut will be exclusive only to ‘members’ only. Some of the NSFW comic scenes will be blurred or covered also but nothing will affect the storyline at all. Also members will also have access to all the pages in full colour pages as well.

I am not forcing anyone to pay for my stuff, or am I trying to make a living off this! Let me be clear on that… Its important to support all artists in all forms and media, they are a profession that can be underappreciated and taken the piss out of. If you love someone’s art, even a positive comment can make a person’s day.

Anyway have a great Easter weekend and shall keep you updated!

March Image and Gallery Tab added

Hey guys! I am in the midst of popping up the gallery section so it’s easy to access all the past images. Hope you enjoy the new image of Sam and her ex Anna! I also will post really old images I did for Otenba Files for anyone who enjoys that series.

Some colour page experiments.

I’m currently playing about with coloured comic pages at the moment, it starts around page 27, I am not sure this will be something I be doing as a constant as I’m always been more of a fan of black and white format.

Hopefully the story will pick up some at the end of the chapter, I know that beginning of any comic is a bit of a drag, especially when it starts with ordinary ‘slice of life’ scenerios compared to my last comic which was all sorts… I would like to think of this comic as a prequel to Otenba Files at some point so shall see how that pans out.

To see some previews you can always pop onto twitter!

Anyway take care and shall post again soon!

Happy Feb !

Heya! Hope you guys are well, this is the image for the month, I may change the banner in the next couple months and pop the gallery section up next week. Just spending the week with my wife who has time off week at the moment!

Much love all!

Happy New Year. More masks but of the Chinese Zodiac kind!

Hope you entered 2021 like a boss! I was mostly just chilling as I don’t drink alcohol but a cheeky smoke of the devil’s lettuce.

Before masks were a big thing in the world, in this comic its based on all the animals of the chinese zodiac. I’m hoping that the story will go at a good pace, but it’s also a slice of life so there isn’t a massive rush of plot. Also some snippets of random events but those will mostly be at the end of chapters. Putting lots of work into this comic this year so stay tuned!

Hope you all be good and stay safe in 2021.